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منتدى حوامل الطبي متابعة صحة الحامل و الجنين وكل ما يختص بالأمراض المزمنة - أمراض الحمل - زواج الأقارب والأمراض الوراثية - خطورة الأدوية - الصبغات

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قديم 07-05-2011, 06:56 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
~ درر ~
عضوة مميزة
الصورة الرمزية
الصورة الرمزية ~ درر ~

التسجيل: Nov 2010
العضوية: 15632
المشاركات: 645 [+]
بمعدل : 0.13 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
معدل التقييم: 56
نقاط التقييم: 107
~ درر ~ will become famous soon enough~ درر ~ will become famous soon enough

~ درر ~ غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى حوامل الطبي
e12 صوراشعةd3 & 4d

موقع الصور الثري دي اند الفور ديhttp://www.fetalvisionimaging.com/testimonials.html

I had the pleasure of visiting your ultrasound facility. I just wanted to thank you for the experience of a lifetime. The experience was so much more than I expected. Jayla Joyce was born on May 10 and it was so amazing to see how much she resembled the ultrasound pictures. I couldn't believe it. I'm going to recommend you guys to every pregnant woman I meet. You're the best at what you do. Thank You for such a wonderful experience!

Akeerah W., May 2008
Lindenwold, NJ
Hi I had a 3d ultrasound done at your facility I thought you might be interested to see a picture of our daughter Lailah. She was born July 17th. Thank you!
Marquerita P., July 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Hi John & Sherry,
I really enjoyed my time at Fetal Vision. I would never pass up a chance to see my baby on the big screen. It was so realistic, the 4D ultrasound is truly amazing. I would recommend this to everyone I know and everyone I don’t know for the pure fact you get to spend time with your child before they are even born. Nothing can beat having videos of him in the womb. I love the work you guys do. I think it’s amazing and in some cases like mine, truly a miracle, something very special that no one can ever take away!
Cynthia T., November 2008
Croydon, PA
My husband, Bryan, and I visited your office on 11-20-07. I was just beginning week 33. We had 2d ultrasounds every 4 weeks, so scheduling a 4d was simply to get a better view of the daughter we knew we were having. Our thought was - if the technology is there, why wouldn't we do it? We didn't want to kick ourselves years later for not doing it.
Jocelyn is our first child, so the entire journey was new to us. The ambiance you created in the room - the lighting, music, and overall energy - was perfect. We had hoped Little Miss Jocelyn would cooperate and give us a little show. The very first image we saw of Jocelyn was one of her blinking and smiling. If we had left with only that image, we would have been satisfied. Lucky for us, she provided us with yawns, finger sucking and a lot of movement.
She is now 3 weeks old and I still look at her everyday and think how amazing it is that she looks and acts EXACTLY as she did on 11-20. Her facial expressions and chubby cheeks cracked me up on 11-20 and they crack me up now.
I had felt bonded to Jocelyn since day one but on 11-20 my husband was able to feel a new connection with her. THANK YOU for such a wonderful experience. I shared the photos and video clips with my entire address book and everyone felt as if they knew Jocelyn 2 months before she arrived here. The experience was not just for us but for everyone who was looking forward to Jocelyn's arrival.
Here are a few before and after shots. Jocelyn Faith arrived (one week late) on Jan 18, 2008 at 5:05pm. 7lbs, 15ozs. 20 inches long. She is happy and healthy and we are so blessed to have her in our lives.
If we have another child, I plan to have a 4d ultrasound at your facility at least twice!
Tammy and Bryan M.
Southampton, PA

First congrats on the birth of your new daughter. I remember when I came into the office, you guys were not even sure you were pregnant. Second I just had to send you some pictures of Howard after he was born. We were so anxious to see what our mixed little one would look like. Dad is Philippine and I am African American, so he could have turned out looking like anybody or nobody. Thank you for giving us a peak at our little person. The picture is of Howard at 5 weeks old. Please share these pictures with others on your site. I am sure there are a lot of interracial couples that are dying to know what there baby will look like.
Thank you again,
Tracy and Marc T.
Philadelphia, PA
PS. I am referring my sister in law to you. She came with us to the appointment and now she is due in April! Please look out for her, she knows you guys are fantastic!
I got a 3D/4D ultrasound done at your facility back on August 29th. My experience at your facility was awesome. It was emotional and amazing. I have been ranting and raving about the ultrasound and everyone loves the photos. I can not get over how the ultrasound really defined the structure of the baby's face while still in my womb!! My son Damien was born on 9/21/07 and he looks just like his ultrasound!! Thank you so much for giving my family and I that sneak peak of my son!! I have been recommending you to a lot of people, hopefully you will be seeing them soon!
Gina B. Oct 2007
Philadelphia, PA
This was worth every penny! I showed my video and pictures to everyone. They were amazed! I just found out that a friend of mine is pregnant. She is local and I told her that she has to get this done. Another friend of mine had a 4D/3D ultrasound done elsewhere :-( and the quality was nowhere near what Fetal Vision Imaging provides...I really feel bad for her. My husband and I are really impressed with the effort that you had put forth to give people the total experience. We understand that you have a great referral program, which is great for you to give back to your clients. Regardless, we would be sure to let everyone know how great of an experience this was. We honestly don't know why anyone would go anywhere else. We did our research and we priced around and no one compares to the package that you deliver. We felt that you were extremely knowledgeable with regards to this type of ultrasound, my
husband and I want everyone to know that we are very confident that this is safe and highly recommend it. I can't tell you how many people have said, "I wish I could have done this when I was pregnant". The gift that you give to people is far beyond great service, but a memory that they can visually share for years to come. To be able to look at my baby and one day say, "This is you when you were in Mommy's Belly", is just priceless! Thank you so very much!

With Much Appreciation,
Tina & Chris H., May 2007
Roslyn, PA
Thank you for the incredible experience not once, but twice there at Fetal Vision. It was absolutely amazing! Little Aidan Jacob has arrived and as you can imagine, things have been a little hectic. He was born May 10, 2007 at 3:57 pm, 8lbs. 11oz. and 21 ½ inches long. Once again, thank you for the wonderful experience. I think Aidan will really appreciate this when he is a little older.

Take Care,
Hope A., June 2007
Feasterville, PA

Thank you again for another great experience yesterday for our cousin Jacqueline. I attached two pics of our daughter Isabela that remind me of the pics from our 3D ultrasound at Fetal Vision. Her chubby cheeks and mouth really look the same. Thanks again, it was a worthwhile experience. We will do this again with our next baby(ies)!
Cristian and Sabrina P., Oct 2007
Philadelphia, PA
My fiancé and I had the 3D ultrasound performed at your facility in April and I just wanted to tell you how exciting it was to have a sneak preview of our baby girl. I gave Crystal the 3D ultrasound gift certificate for Christmas and it brought her to tears. I wish all of my gifts warranted this type of response; I really hit a home run with this. Our family and friends were so amazed at the clarity and detail of the images that many of them insisted on having copies to show friends.
We showed the DVD of the procedure at the baby shower and the response was tremendous. It truly was one of the most memorable times in our pregnancy and I would highly recommend your facility to perform the imaging. When we had our session we invited our mothers to attend and it was wonderful to have them experience the rush of seeing the baby for the first time.
Your facility is comfortable and welcoming and your staff was wonderful. Keira Claire was born on June 10, 2006 at 4:45am and the resemblance to the ultrasound is uncanny. I have attached a comparison photo that was taken a little over 24 hours after she was born. Any resemblance? Thanks for the wonderful experience. We plan on having another child in the near future so expect a call from us. Keep up the good work.
George G. & Crystal R., June 2006
My husband and I wanted to share a picture of Madison Riley who was born on October 1st. Thanks again for making both of our ultrasounds (26wk and 33wk) such an incredible experience.
Tami & Keith D., October 2006
I came into your office on March 02, 2006 and got a beautiful picture of my baby. So here is a picture of my little one, Dereon, at 10 weeks, born on May 18th. To me and a lot of others, you can see a very good resemblance.
Thanks for everything!!!
Shamika H., May 2006
Thanks again for our 4D Ultrasound, we really enjoy watching the DVD! We and our friends are getting a kick out of the picture, below you will see why! There is definitely no denying her for Brian! What a great experience!
Megan and Brian S. - December 2005
I have told many people about what you guys do at Fetal Vision, they are all interested. How can they not be? I will have them give you a call, they all really want to do it…they loved my pictures!!! We also think Aidan really looks like his pictures…See for yourself!
Becky and Will - January 2006
Zander Ardin
Born: May 12, 2006
9 lbs – 2 oz.
21 ½ inches long

Born: December 29, 2005
6 lbs - 4.5 oz
19 ¼ inches long

Baby Nicholas
Born: April 27, 2006
7 lbs. – 13 oz.

من مواضيع ~ درر ~
0 الجنين في الجهه اليمنى
0 احذرومن ملح اجينوموتو والاندومي والمكرونة سريعه التحضير
0 [مشاركه مميزه]طريقتي ببهارات الشوربه والايدامات
0 ملف شامل تمارين مابعد الولاده .الطبيعيه.القيصريه
0 مضر
0 كيف ازيل الجلد الميت حول المنطقه الحساسه
0 صور لايام زمان من تجميعي
0 الموسوعة الشاملة لطب الأطفال
0 ضروري
0 الكالسيوم والحديد والفيتامينات بالثامن
0 غذاء الطفل منذ الولاده لغايه شهر
0 الخياطه والولاده
0 تجمع آلعنآية بآلبشره وآلجسم
0 كذب الي يقول بعض الاكل ممنوع عن الحمل
0 صوص الحومر
توقيع : ~ درر ~

مشاء الله تبارك الله
اللهم احفظ بنتي (صبـا)واجعلها من البارين

عرض البوم صور ~ درر ~   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 07-05-2011, 11:31 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضوة مميزة
الصورة الرمزية
الصورة الرمزية انتماء

التسجيل: Apr 2011
العضوية: 23928
المشاركات: 397 [+]
بمعدل : 0.08 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
معدل التقييم: 52
نقاط التقييم: 50
انتماء will become famous soon enough

انتماء غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : ~ درر ~ المنتدى : منتدى حوامل الطبي
افتراضي رد: صوراشعةd3 & 4d

يدنون ,, بس ماعرفت الفرق بين 3d ,4d

من مواضيع انتماء
توقيع : انتماء

عرض البوم صور انتماء   رد مع اقتباس
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